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rules_and_regulations [2022/11/03 10:54] – [Noise:] lynetterules_and_regulations [2025/02/05 16:13] (current) – [Garbage:] lynette
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 Any complaints about noise or other offending behavior by animals must be corrected by the owner of said animal within (10) days of written or verbal notice from the Board of Directors. Repeated complaints about animals off leash or animals otherwise offending owners/tenants are subject to fines, as listed above. Repeated complaints may result in the Board asking for removal of said animal from Woodtique.\\ Any complaints about noise or other offending behavior by animals must be corrected by the owner of said animal within (10) days of written or verbal notice from the Board of Directors. Repeated complaints about animals off leash or animals otherwise offending owners/tenants are subject to fines, as listed above. Repeated complaints may result in the Board asking for removal of said animal from Woodtique.\\
-Owners and tenants are expected to respect the privacy of neighbors when walking and taking dogs out to do their business. A good gauge is to keep your dog away from obviously landscaped areas of the complex, and to keep your dog at least 20 feet away from any unit’s windows or doors. This practice is common courtesy and will avoid any unnecessary complaints about animals in the complex. Note: Hawkins Heights Park, just to the south of the complex is a good place to walk your dog on a leash. The fine for having an animal off leash ranges from $100-250. +Owners and tenants are expected to respect the privacy of neighbors when walking and taking dogs out to do their business. A good gauge is to keep your dog away from obviously landscaped areas of the complex, and to keep your dog at a reasonable distance from any unit’s windows or doors. This practice is common courtesy and will avoid any unnecessary complaints about animals in the complex. Note: Hawkins Heights Park, just to the south of the complex is a good place to walk your dog on a leash. The fine for having an animal off leash ranges from $100-250.  
 +Smoke that drifts to another unit is prohibited. Smoking is not allowed inside of the Clubhouse.\\
 ====Internet and Television:==== ====Internet and Television:====
-No radio or television aerial, or television cable wires are permitted to be attached to the or hung from the exterior of the building, except for any specific situations of approval by the Board of Directors. Any proposed changes in existing cables must be approved in writing by the Board. +No radio or television aerial, or television cable wires are permitted to be attached to the or hung from the exterior of the building, except for any specific situations of approved by the Board of Directors. Any proposed changes in existing cables must be approved in writing by the Board. 
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 • There have been incidents of people who don't live at Woodtique using our recycling and garbage containers. If you see this, please write down the license number and contact the Eugene Police.\\ • There have been incidents of people who don't live at Woodtique using our recycling and garbage containers. If you see this, please write down the license number and contact the Eugene Police.\\
 • If either the recycling or trash bin you usually use is full, take your trash or recycling to the next nearest trash enclosure. This avoids unsanitary conditions in the trash enclosure area.\\ • If either the recycling or trash bin you usually use is full, take your trash or recycling to the next nearest trash enclosure. This avoids unsanitary conditions in the trash enclosure area.\\
-• The lids on both recycling and trash bins must be completely closed. Leaving these lids !open encourages animals to get into the bins.\\+• The lids on both recycling and trash bins must be completely closed. Leaving these lids open encourages animals to get into the bins.\\
 Our goal is to maintain an efficient garbage collection at Woodtique and not incur additional charges. Owners/tenants can help by making sure they are not doing any of the following:\\ Our goal is to maintain an efficient garbage collection at Woodtique and not incur additional charges. Owners/tenants can help by making sure they are not doing any of the following:\\
 • leavinglargeboxesintheenclosedarea\\ • leavinglargeboxesintheenclosedarea\\
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 • leaving trash on the floor of the enclosure\\ • leaving trash on the floor of the enclosure\\
 • leaving lids on recycling or trash bins open or partially closed\\ • leaving lids on recycling or trash bins open or partially closed\\
-• Placing recyclable items in the trash bin. (See list on recycling)\\+• Placing trash in the recycle bin. (See list on recycling)\\ 
 +====Owner Installed Security Cameras:==== 
 +  * Owners must fill out and submit to the Board of Directors an Application for Permit to Make a Change or Improvement to a Woodtique Unit form and have it approved by the Board prior to installing a camera on the exterior of their unit. Ring Door Cameras do not require Board approval.\\ 
 +  * Cameras must never be pointed into another owner’s windows, doors, or other places where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy.\\  
 +  * Cameras that were installed prior to March 1, 2025 will not be required to be removed. However, any existing cameras that are pointed into another owner’s windows, doors, or other places where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy must be repositioned prior to March 1, 2025. The Board may ask to view camera feeds when complaints are received.\\ 
 +Completed forms may be submitted by:\\ 
 +  * Putting the completed form in the Laundry Room drop box.\\ 
 +  * Emailing the completed form to woodtiqueheights@gmail.com\\ 
 +  * Mailing the form to: Woodtique Heights HOA, Board of Directors, 2201 Hawkins Lane, Eugene, OR 97405\\