This is an old revision of the document!

Rules and Regulations
Woodtique Rules and Regulations 2022

Woodtique Rules & Regulations.

All owners and tenants of Woodtique Condominium Complex are expected to follow Woodtique Rules & Regulations. Noncompliance will generate an initial verbal or written warning, with notification to any offsite owner in the case of a tenant. Repeated noncompliance is subject to a fine (see below) at the discretion of the Board.

Schedule of fines

• general/prop. damage: 1st violation $75, 2nd $100, 3rd/subsequent $150
• above fines are in addition to any actual property damage costs incurred.

The Board does not take an adversarial approach to resolving issues and problems. The Board is a governing body of homeowners who do their best to care for the interests of other homeowners.

Woodtique HOA Board Policy on Resident Disputes

Resolution of complaints, problems and/or disputes between Woodtique residents is the responsibility of the involved owners. Renters should refer any such issues to the owner of their unit. The Woodtique HOA Board of Directors will not take action on resident disputes without clear and documented proof that the owners have attempted to resolve the issue.

If the owners are unsuccessful in their efforts to resolve the problem, they may request the Board’s assistance by submitting, in writing, the following information:

• A written explanation of the dispute and the date(s) it occurred.

• The date(s) of contact between the owners to resolve the dispute and reason(s) their efforts were unsuccessful.

• The date(s) and time(s) that the issue causing the dispute re-occurred.

Upon receipt of the above stated documentation, the Woodtique Board of Directors will evaluate the problem and determine if Board action is warranted.

Owner Insurance Requirement:

As required by ARTICLE VIII of the Woodtique Bylaws, each unit owner is responsible for obtaining, at his own expense, Condo Insurance covering his personal property, physical property and fixtures including, but not limited to the interior walls, cabinets, and appliances. The owner must provide proof of insurance coverage to the Homeowners Association.

Rental and Leasing of Woodtique Units:

• An owner may not rent or lease less than the entire unit.

• A unit may not be rented, leased or otherwise used for transient or hotel purposes.

• A unit may not be rented or leased for a period of less than thirty (30) consecutive days.

• All leases or rentals must be by written lease agreement and the terms of the lease must comply in all respects to the provisions of the Declaration of Unit Ownership and Bylaws.

• No later than five days after an Owner enters into a rental or lease agreement for his/her unit, the Owner, or an agent of the Owner, must provide to the HOA a copy of the rental/lease agreement which has been signed by all parties to this agreement.

• No later than ten days after the signing of any rental or lease agreement for a Woodtique unit, the Owner(s) or tenants must provide the HOA with a completed “Confirmation of Delivery of Rules and Regulations” form which contains the following information in writing: the name(s) of each adult person who will be living in the unit; unit address; the number of minor children that will be living in the unit; the model, make, year and license number of each vehicle owned by the tenant(s) that will be parked regularly in the parking lot; the home and work telephone numbers of each tenant; and confirmation that such tenants have received a copy of the Woodtique Rules and Regulations.

• Residents must fill out and return an Animal Registration form within ten days after the signing of any rental or lease agreement.

• Any Owner who rents or leases his/her unit is legally responsible for all actions of any and all tenants/residents with whom the lease agreement has been signed, including violations by such tenants of the Declaration of Unit Ownership, Bylaws, and the Rules and Regulations of Woodtique.

• Any violation of the 2022 Amendment to Article XII of the Declaration of Unit Ownership of Woodtique Heights regarding the Leasing and Rental of Units may result in a fine to the owner of $100 per day of unauthorized occupancy.

Driveways and Parking:

• The maximum allowed speed through parking areas and driveways is 10 mph.

• Each unit has (1) designated parking space. Any other vehicles owned by residents must be parked in visitor parking spaces.

• 1 and 2 bedroom units are allowed to park a maximum of two vehicles in the Woodtique parking lot at no cost. 3 bedroom units are allowed to park a maximum of three vehicles in the Woodtique parking lot at no cost. Unit owners will be charged $50/monthly, per vehicle, for any additional vehicles parked in the Woodtique parking lot.

• All resident vehicles must be registered with the Woodtique Heights HOA.

• Parking Spaces may only be used for parking operable motor vehicles with current vehicle registration and plates.

• Residents may not store vehicles owned by and registered to non-residents in Woodtique parking lots.

• No boats, trailers, motor homes, or other oversized vehicles may be parked anywhere on Woodtique property, except on a temporary/emergency basis (up to 24 hours) and only with expressed permission from the Woodtique Board of Directors.

• Parking is not allowed in any area not specifically dedicated to parking.

• Residents may not park in another resident’s assigned parking space without that resident’s permission. Neighborliness and common courtesy are encouraged.

• It is the responsibility of each owner/tenant to make guests aware of parking rules at Woodtique.

• Automobile repair taking longer than 24 hours is not permitted in parking spaces.

• The Board, at its discretion, may fine the Owner of any illegally parked vehicle and/or have the vehicle towed at the Owners’ expense. Illegal parking includes (but is not limited to) any infraction of the Rules & Regulations stated above. Additionally, unauthorized parking anywhere on the property by non-residents or persons not visiting residents of Woodtique are subject to towing, at the owner’s expense.

Bicycles and similar vehicles:

No vehicles, including but not limited to bicycles, scooters, baby carriages or similar vehicles, toys or other personal articles shall be allowed to stand, be placed, or remain in any of the common areas.


All residents are expected to use extreme care about noise (including but not limited to musical instruments, radios, television, amplifiers, car stereos and exhaust systems). In addition, no resident may permit or engage in noise that disturbs, annoys or otherwise interferes with the rights, comfort or convenience of other owners.

Woodtique observes QUIET HOURS daily starting at 10:00 pm, and ending at 7:00 am. Residents are expected to use special caution about noise during these hours.

Vehicles entering and exiting the premises are expected to observe posted speed limits (10 mph) and caution about noise (including but not limited to after market exhaust systems and car stereos), especially during quiet hours.
Use of car horns on the premises is expressly prohibited, except in an emergency. The posted speed limit on Hawkins Lane is 25 mph.

Patios, Decks, Entryways & Stairways:

• Owners and tenants are expected to keep patios, decks, entryways and stairways clean and free of obstruction. Obstruction includes, but is not limited to, anything that would impede access, especially in an emergency. Clean includes, but is not limited to, removal of mold or mildew, cigarette waste and debris from trees or shrubs.
• Owners and tenants are also responsible for regular removal of any mold/mildew or other accumulated debris inside their unit. It is the responsibility of owners to notify the Board about any issues caused by mold/mildew inside their unit.
• Entryways and stairways may not be used for storage purposes.
• Dry rot on the fence or building as a result of items stored on the patio is the responsibility of the owner.
• Decks are intended for recreational use. If items are stored on the deck, they should be clean, organized, and in containers appropriate for outdoor storage. Any dry rot or other repair to decks is the responsibility of the owner.
• The Board holds the right to inspect any common areas of decks, patios and entryways.
• No items may be hung above the fence line on patios. Any outdoor structures above the fence line, other than patio umbrellas, must be approved by the Board, and owners/ tenants are responsible for regular maintenance/cleaning of these items.


All animals kept or harbored on site must be registered with the Board through a permit form signed by the animal’s owner. Woodtique is held harmless from any loss or liability from any animal on site.

In no event shall dogs be permitted on the premises unless carried or on a leash. All applicable City of Eugene laws regarding animals are assumed at Woodtique. All owners/ tenants are expected to abide by all applicable health and sanitary regulations. Dog feces must be picked up and disposed of in a sanitary manner.

Any complaints about noise or other offending behavior by animals must be corrected by the owner of said animal within (10) days of written or verbal notice from the Board of Directors. Repeated complaints about animals off leash or animals otherwise offending owners/tenants are subject to fines, as listed above. Repeated complaints may result in the Board asking for removal of said animal from Woodtique.

Owners and tenants are expected to respect the privacy of neighbors when walking and taking dogs out to do their business. A good gauge is to keep your dog away from obviously landscaped areas of the complex, and to keep your dog at least 20 feet away from any unit’s windows or doors. This practice is common courtesy and will avoid any unnecessary complaints about animals in the complex. Note: Hawkins Heights Park, just to the south of the complex is a good place to walk your dog on a leash. The fine for having an animal off leash ranges from $100-250.

Internet and Television:

No radio or television aerial, or television cable wires are permitted to be attached to the or hung from the exterior of the building, except for any speci8ic situations of approval by the Board of Directors. Any proposed changes in existing cables must be approved in writing by the Board. Satellite dishes are expressly prohibited. 

Window Coverings/Air Conditioning Units/Ductless Heat Pumps:

No exterior shades, awnings, window guards, ventilators or air conditioning devices of any kind shall be installed, except those having been first approved in writing by the Board of Directors. Owners must complete and sign an Installation of Air Conditioner permission form. All installations Ductless Heat Pumps must first be approved by the Board. Upon approval by the Board, the units may be installed at the sole responsibility of the owner of the said unit. The Board accepts no liability or responsibility for any such unit installed at Woodtique. On the Woodtique website you will find a link to the permission form for air conditioners. For installation of Ductless Heat Pumps, please fill out an Application for permit to make an Improvement or Alteration to a Woodtique Heights Condominium Unit. Forms should be mailed to: Woodtique Heights HOA, 2201 Hawkins Lane, Eugene, OR 97405 or scanned and emailed to

Landscaping changes to individual units:

Any proposed changes to individual unit landscaping must be approved by the Board. Considerations include anything that would require additional watering or maintenance. Any approved additions to landscaping are the sole responsibility of the owner of said unit.


All garbage and refuse from units shall be deposited with care in specific containers intended for such purpose. It is the responsibility of every owner/tenant to maintain these areas in a sanitary condition. Each enclosed garbage area has
• (1) large bin for regular garbage
• (1) large bin for paper/plastic/tin recycling materials (see approved list posted at site)
• (1) blue bin for glass recycling.
• Recycling of any items not on the approved recycle list are the responsibility of the owner/tenant. Do not leave these items outside the bins in the trash enclosure!
• Suggested facilities for recycling items not on the approved list include Bring, St. Vincent de Paul, Goodwill.
• Styrofoam and other packing materials may NOT be recycled at Woodtique. St. Vincent de Paul will accept styrofoam and packing materials.
• Owner is responsible for any necessary removal/cleanup of items left by tenants vacating the property, including any costs incurred therein.
• There have been incidents of people who don't live at Woodtique using our recycling and garbage containers. If you see this, please write down the license number and contact the Eugene Police.
• If either the recycling or trash bin you usually use is full, take your trash or recycling to the next nearest trash enclosure. This avoids unsanitary conditions in the trash enclosure area.
• The lids on both recycling and trash bins must be completely closed. Leaving these lids !open encourages animals to get into the bins.
Our goal is to maintain an efficient garbage collection at Woodtique and not incur additional charges. Owners/tenants can help by making sure they are not doing any of the following:
• leavinglargeboxesintheenclosedarea
• leaving discarded household articles in enclosed area
• placing boxes in recycling that have not been flattened
• leaving trash on the floor of the enclosure
• leaving lids on recycling or trash bins open or partially closed
• Placing recyclable items in the trash bin. (See list from Royal on recycling!)