This is an old revision of the document!

February 2009


Declaration of Condominium Ownership Document Article XII Domestic Animals

No bird or animal shall be kept or harbored in the development unless the same in each instance has been expressly permitted in writing by the Board of Directors. In no event shall dogs be permitted in any of the public portions of the development unless carried or on a leash. The owner shall indemnify the Board of Directors and the Association and hold it harmless against any loss or liability of any kind or character whatsoever arising from or growing out of having any animal in the development. If a dog or other animal becomes obnoxious to other owners by barking or otherwise, the owner of the animal must cause the problem to be corrected, or if it is not corrected within ten days, the owner, upon receipt of a written notice from the management committee, shall be required to remove the animal from the property subject to this Declaration.

Woodtique Bylaws, Article VI Obligations of the Owners, Section 5a Rules of Conduct

Unit owners shall exercise extreme care about making noises or the use of musical instruments, radios, television and amplifiers that may disturb other residents. Those keeping domestic animals will abide by all applicable health and sanitary regulations.

Current Woodtique Association Board of Directors policy relating to pets on site:

Each individual owner of a Woodtique Condominium shall decide if they wish to allow an animal to reside in their units. The Woodtique Association Board allows animals on-site if their owners follow the governing rules noted above and the Association Rules noted below.

  • 1. An “Animal Registration Form” must be on file with the Association Secretary.
  • 2. Dog owner’s must assume the responsibility of picking up their dogs feces and dispose of it properly (in a plastic bag and put in the dumpsters)
  • 3. Dog owners who do not responsibly pick up after their dogs will be required to remove the dog from Woodtique property.
  • 4. Any pets on-site must be in compliance with city of Eugene code.
  • 5. Animals or birds that are considered “outside pets” are not allowed to be kept on-site.

Woodtique Homeowners Association Board of Directors/Managers