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Recreation Room

Woodtique residents interested in using the Recreation Room for a party or event should print and complete this form:

Return the completed form to Woodtique Heights HOA, 2201 Hawkins Lane, Eugene, OR, 97405, to make a reservation. There is a $25 non refundable user fee, and a $150.00 cleaning deposit (refundable as described on the form).  

  • Room is available to rent from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
  • Person renting the room must be a Woodtique onsite owner or resident of Woodtique
  • Guests are expected to observe all Woodtique Rules & Regulations while using the recreation room
  • Please respect the rights of other residents with appropriate noise level
  • No minor may consume alcohol on the premises
  • Garbage must be removed from the building and deposited correctly in one of the trash enclosure areas. No trash should be left in kitchen or bathroom containers
  • The main room, bathroom and kitchen must all be cleaned following use
  • Carpet must be vacuumed, and any spills or stains cleaned
  • Any damage must be promptly reported to the Board, and repairs made within five days following use. Cost of any repairs will be deducted from the deposit
  • All doors must be locked on leaving the facility; lights and heaters must be turned off if used

The nonrefundable user fee for the Recreation Room is $25.00. A refundable security/cleaning deposit is $150.00. Refund of this deposit is based on the rooms left in good condition, and all rules followed. The person renting the room is responsible for cleaning, and for any damage caused. Deposit will be refunded after key is returned, and rooms and contents are determined to be clean and in good condition. Please note that failing to observe any rules posted above may result in a partial or complete loss of the $150.00 deposit.

Requested Date of Use Day _______ Month ___________________ Year ________
Requested Hours of Use From ____________ a.m./p.m. To _____________ a.m./p.m.
Number of Guests expected _________________

Name: _________________________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________________
Woodtique Owner/Tenant Unit # ____________________________
Email _________________________________________________
Phone __________________________________________________